बजाना bajānā (hindi)
Jouer (un instrument, un enregistrement).
Frapper (une cloche, un gong); battre (un tambour).
Applaudir (des mains).
बजाना bajānā (hindi)
Jouer (un instrument, un enregistrement).
Frapper (une cloche, un gong); battre (un tambour).
Applaudir (des mains).
बजाना bajānā (hindi) v.
बजाना bajānā (hindi)
बजाना bajānā baja:nā: (a) to play on (a musical instrument), to ring, to produce a sound; to examine (as a coin); to strike (against); to execute (as हुकुम—).
बजाना bajānā (hindi)
1बजाना bajānā [cf. H. bājnā], v.t. to cause to sound: 1. to play (an instrument, a recording). 2. to strike (a bell, gong); to beat (a drum); to clap (the hands). 3. colloq. to shoot off, to fire (a gun, &c.). 4. trans. to test by its ring (a coin). 5. to wield violently (swords, staves; or shoes). — बजाकर, adv. resoundingly: openly, publicly. ताली, or तालियाँ, ~, to clap the hands.
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dimanche 25 février 2024