न्यारा nyārā (hindi)
Séparé, restant à l'écart (d'une famille commune : 'joint family'), unique, original, distinct.
न्यारा nyārā (hindi)
Séparé, restant à l'écart (d'une famille commune : 'joint family'), unique, original, distinct.
न्यारा nyārā (hindi) adj. m.
नियारा niyārā (hindi)
H نيارا नियारा niyārā, or न्यारा nyārā (i.q. nirālā, q.v.), adj. (f. -ī). Separate; distinct; different; extraordinary, uncommon, rare, &c. (see nirālā); — s.m. The scoria left after refining gold, silver, and other metals (from which a minute portion of those metals is obtainable): — niyārā or niyāre (obl. of niyārā), niyārā-niyārā, &c., adv. Apart, aloof; separately; item by item.
न्यारा nyārā (hindi)
न्यारा nyārā nya:ra: (a) separate(d); staying away (from a joint family); unique, novel; distinct; hence ~पन (nm).
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