पहला pahlā (hindi)
Premier. Précédent.
पहला pahlā (hindi)
Premier. Précédent.
पहला pahlā (hindi) adj.
पहला pahlā (hindi)
H پہلا पहला pahlā, पहिला pahilā, paihlā [pahal, q.v.+S. कः], adj. & adv. (f. -ī), First, the first; former, pricr, previous, original, primary; leading, chief, main, principal; — previously, before; soon; rather: — pahle, pahile, adv. At first, first, in the first place; previously, already; hitherto; of old; sooner, before (governing the gen. in -ke, or the abl.); chiefly; rather (than, -se): — pahle-pahal, pahle-pahle, adv. First of all, in the first place or instance; of old; originally: — pahle-se, adv. From the first, from the very commencement; at first, in the first place; already, beforehand: — pahle-hī-se, adv. From the very first, &c.
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