गर्भ garbh

गर्भ garbh (sanskrit)

The womb.
The interior.

Origin of the definition

गर्भ garbha garbh (nm) the womb; pregnancy; foetus; the interior; -कोश the womb; ~क्षय abortion; ~गृह naos; -धारण conception; -निरोधक a contraceptive; ~पात miscarriage; ~पातक abortifacient; ~वती pregnant; ~स्थ inside the womb; ~स्त्राव abortion; ~स्त्रावक abortifacient.

Dictionary Caturvedi (1970)

Usual translation

  1. womb


Murlis of the day (and original sakar)

Overall frequency : 249

Number of murlis : 158 on 1611

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Overall frequency : 5

Number of murlis : 4 on 1098

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Creation Date

Monday 15 February 2021