S پراپت प्राप्त prāpta, prāpt; vulg. parāpat, pirāpat ; part. Attained to, reached, arrived at; come upon, lighted upon, met with, found; obtained, got, gained, acquired, procured, won; incurred, contracted; destined, fated, appointed; fitting, proper; suffered, endured, undergone: — prāptārth (prāpta+artha), adj. & s.m. Having attained one's object, successful; — one whose object is attained; — an object attained, an advantage gained: — prāptāvasar (prāpta+avasar), adj. Taking or finding occasion, opportune, seasonable: — prāpt-buddhi, adj. Possessed of understanding, enlightened, instructed, intelligent; regaining or recovering consciousness, becoming conscious (after fainting), recovering: — prāpt-kāl, s.m. A time or moment arrived, favourable moment, fit time, proper season; — one whose time is come; — adj. Opportune, seasonable, suitable; fated; destined: — prāpt karnā, v.t. To obtain, acquire, receive; to undergo, endure, submit to, incur: — prāpt honā, v.n. To be attained, be reached, be met with, to arrive (at); to be obtained be acquired, be realized, be incurred, &c.