पूरा pūrā

पूरा pūrā (hindi)

Complete, all, whole, entire, full, gross, total, thorough, adequate.
Sufficiency, adequacy.

Origin of the definition

पूरा pūrā pu:ra: (a) complete; all, whole, entire; full; gross; total; thorough; adequate; (nm) sufficiency, adequacy; —उतरना to deliver the goods, to come upto the expectations; to pass a test successfully; —उतरना (कोई काम) to be duly accomplished; to be fulfilled; —पड़ना, किसी का to be sufficient; not to be wanting; पूरे करना, दिन to mark time; to keep somehow alive; पूरे होना, दिन death to be imminent, to have consumed one's allotted time (of life); to have completed the period of gestation.

Dictionary Caturvedi (1970)

H پورا पूंरा pūrā [S. पूर्णः], adj. (f. ī), Full, complete, perfect; satisfied; fulfilled, accomplished; entire, whole, total, undivided, undiminished, unbroken, uncut; exact, precise, fitting, coinciding, just, sufficient, enough; true, standard, up to the mark; faithful, constant, firm; old, ripe, experienced, skilled in; powerful: — pūrā utarnā, v.n. To turn out up to the mark, to come out (of an ordeal) with credit, to pass a satisfactory examination, to succeed: — pūrā ishṭām, s.m. Stamp paper of full value: — pūrī bāt, s.f. (in Gram.) A complete sentence, a proposition: — pūrā (or pūrī) parṇā, v.n. To be enough, to suffice: — pūrī ḥadd-kī gahrī gintī, s.f. The Integral Calculus: — pūre din or dinoṅ, adj. Gone the full time, gone nine months with child; — pūre din lagnā, v.n. To approach the full period of gestation (a woman), to enter on the ninth month of pregnancy: — pūrā karnā, v.t. To fill, fill up; to satisfy; to end, complete, finish; to accomplish, to fulfil, carry out, act up to, keep (a promise); to reimburse; to make up (a deficiency).

Dictionary Platts (1884)

Usual translation

  1. full


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Creation Date

Friday 1 January 2021

Update Date

Monday 3 June 2024