पूरा pūrā (hindi)
Complete, all, whole, entire, full, gross, total, thorough, adequate.
Sufficiency, adequacy.
पूरा pūrā (hindi)
Complete, all, whole, entire, full, gross, total, thorough, adequate.
Sufficiency, adequacy.
पूरा pūrā pu:ra: (a) complete; all, whole, entire; full; gross; total; thorough; adequate; (nm) sufficiency, adequacy; —उतरना to deliver the goods, to come upto the expectations; to pass a test successfully; —उतरना (कोई काम) to be duly accomplished; to be fulfilled; —पड़ना, किसी का to be sufficient; not to be wanting; पूरे करना, दिन to mark time; to keep somehow alive; पूरे होना, दिन death to be imminent, to have consumed one's allotted time (of life); to have completed the period of gestation.
H پورا पूंरा pūrā [S. पूर्णः], adj. (f. ī), Full, complete, perfect; satisfied; fulfilled, accomplished; entire, whole, total, undivided, undiminished, unbroken, uncut; exact, precise, fitting, coinciding, just, sufficient, enough; true, standard, up to the mark; faithful, constant, firm; old, ripe, experienced, skilled in; powerful: — pūrā utarnā, v.n. To turn out up to the mark, to come out (of an ordeal) with credit, to pass a satisfactory examination, to succeed: — pūrā ishṭām, s.m. Stamp paper of full value: — pūrī bāt, s.f. (in Gram.) A complete sentence, a proposition: — pūrā (or pūrī) parṇā, v.n. To be enough, to suffice: — pūrī ḥadd-kī gahrī gintī, s.f. The Integral Calculus: — pūre din or dinoṅ, adj. Gone the full time, gone nine months with child; — pūre din lagnā, v.n. To approach the full period of gestation (a woman), to enter on the ninth month of pregnancy: — pūrā karnā, v.t. To fill, fill up; to satisfy; to end, complete, finish; to accomplish, to fulfil, carry out, act up to, keep (a promise); to reimburse; to make up (a deficiency).
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